Quantum box

I had a lot of ideas during my “thinking times”, and whenever this cart starts to roll, it’s hard to stop – and I intend no to, until the fuel runs out. What a nice metaphor or whatever. Good job Daniel. So I’ve tried to grab every opportunity to think about the game, as it always takes some time to get that cart rolling. The other usual “method” was, when I’ve just let things settle a bit (voluntarily or not), and just “wait” till things start to form again in my head. Then BOOM here is an idea, while I try to fall asleep at 1AM – and I have to note it down somehow, otherwise I’ll forget it.

So new wishes, hopes, conceptions and images were forming, dots were connecting, from the connected dots and the noted thoughts born new ones, new ones and…  and I was writing everything down with high enthusiasm, and tried to sketch a little for everything. Not because it is needed, but more because then the overview of this notebook would look a bit nicer, so I am more willing to go on. And also, because it’s much easier to quickly see through the pages, after I’m opening them again later. 

Ok, so it is needed then.

I love this part, when my imagination just runs wild, and everything is possible. The game is a big quantum-box at this time. It has every contradicting and paradox ideas together, in a constantly evolving and expanding harmony.

So in my quantum box I had some decisions to make – so I noted them down. Then they exist together. I had tried to answer them as soon as they appeared, but for me it’s just better to wait… until some time passes and they are just settling in either way, or other ideas and desires tip the scales. Or I finally have to make that decision. One of the first ones was: do I want to have an everchanging modular- , or a fix board. I liked the idea of the big board, which you could just put on the table, but one element ruled it out: I wanted my terrain to be three dimensional.

This is the first field that somehow became clear. The basic idea was about huge square prisms with different heights, from which a terrain is forming… or something like this. A very foggy image, and I think it was inspired by some abstract-ish game concept picture I’ve saved for some other project.

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