Hello again!
Now we are really going to talk about this particular B&B game. After all, this is only my fourth post yet haha.
So around the start of this year (2022), I’ve started to use my not-so-much-information from this last game, to “convert” to a board game. Or rather… to be an inspiration.
We have a regular gaming group of twelve-ish active friends, with whom we meet almost every week (at our place, thank you so so much wife). Whoever is available, the usual participant number is around 4-6. They will be the first (and I guess main) test group for this game, and I hope the first few unbalanced gameplays won’t get the enthusiasm away… I will offer my best whiskeys I promise boys.
We’ve started 2-3 years ago, and I tend to pick different games “season by season”; so we play these bigger games through a ‘season’ multiple times, trying to get good enough to be able to actually play, and enjoy the game. (Or we just play Nemesis “for a break”, because it’s so much fun.) Confrontation is key in the selection of the games, so no “strict” euros (which i play with my wife’s family a lot, fortunately), rather titles like Root, Dune, Game of Thrones, Scythe and Hyperborea. Last fall, we started to play Root and it quickly became my favourite. (So we stayed with it for another ‘season’.)
Back to the start of this year, around February 2022: I liked these games so much that I decided: I have to make my own. It just couldn’t stay like this, that i don’t have MINE, haha. I wanted to invent this genre again. Or – a game that is like this type, but not these games, but just as good, or rather better, but it came from my mind and it’s new and fresh and all, and it’s mine… so yes, something like this was my main motivation. And also the inspiration from the “original” Beavers and Bears pixelgraphics stuff, which occurred to me at that time somehow.
So I’ve opened a new sketchbook, and did THE first page.